Sunday, December 9, 2012

                      C U there!


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The name of our umbrella association has changed. It is now English A.C.T. (arts, culture, theatre).
To email us, use the blog contact form by clicking on the M at the bottom left of each post.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

GrenobleLife talks about Wing It & Floodlight: (Now looking for the 'Like' key... :) Oh, that's right, we're not on FB... Well, 'Like' anyways! ;) )

'Rentrée' will happen on Saturday September 22nd, 2012; email for details.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Would you like to be in the next Wing It or Floodlight musical?
If you can act, OR dance, OR sing, OR act and dance, etc., OR if you’re enthusiastic and eager to be part of a team, be bold and sign in now for the September auditions!

If you’re in ‘collège’ this coming school year,

if youre in lycée this coming school year,

Saturday, June 16, 2012

W o w !  Cast, you can be proud.


Cast at work

Happy crew :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

‘Greece, the Play’
by Sue Gordon

Théâtre Prémol
June 16th, 2012

Reservations and Payment (online):
*2pm show: click here
*7.30pm show: click here
(Wheelchairs: email Hélène at

Also... Would you like to be in the Wing it 2012-2013
Collège-age or Lycée-age productions?
Register now for the September auditions:
‘Collège’ Group: email Vicki at
‘Lycée’ Group: go to
Hello Cast,

The shows being around the corner, how about a few additional rehearsals -actually a rhetorical question :)

On top of our regular hours, we will meet on:
- May 26th, 9am-12pm
- June 1st, 6.30pm (this one being an 'avant-première' in front of an audience!)
- June 9th, 9am-12pm, and
- June 15th, at the theater, for a dress rehearsal, with lights, sound, everything.

More details in Dropbox, as always. Also we're editing the schedule, in Dropbox, every time there's a change. Have a look at it when Dropbox lets you know.

You will still be sent reminders. But you can write the dates in your agendas right now!

You're doing superbly; let's make sure you/we keep up the good work. And then you'll be able to say:

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Everyone, we'll be doing a run through on Saturday March 24th, from 9.30am to 12pm, at the usual place.

Nell, Gaiane, and Lorcan, we'll be rehearsing Scene 7 from 9am to 9.30am; you, lucky you ;) So you're obviously expected at 9am.
Eugenie, you're expected at 9.15am.
Everyone else is expected at 9.30am.

Also go to Dropbox to find out about all the Saturday rehearsals; and while you're at it, have a look at what will be happening on Thursday April 26th... A nice surprise is awaiting for you...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Reminder: there will be an exceptional rehearsal this coming Saturday, March 3rd, from 9am to 12pm at the usual place.

Amongst other things, we'll record one song and dance, and one stomping bit. You'll be able to see your progress. 

Be  there!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

If you get the chance to go to Paris, do visit this amazing exhibition at the 'Centre National du Costume de Scène et de la Scénographie', devoted to theater stagings, sets, and special effects.
It is completely unique!!!

'You will discover the backstage world and its machinery: special effects and movement of sets are "dissected" through a series of animated displays.The voyage ends behind the scenes with a dive into the realm under the stage, where the visitors rise onto the stage or disappear…like the phantom of the Opera.'

Friday, February 10, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Wing It goes see the panto!

Meeting time is at 2pm on Wed.

If for some reason you are late, have our cell phone numbers handy.

Would you be unable to reach us, once on the spot, go up the library stairs to the 'Salle polyvalente'. There will be posters all over the place, no worries; it will be easy to find. Your ticket will be waiting for you at the entrance, with your name on it.
(But that's really just in case.)

More fun coming our way! :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

‎2012 getting off to a great start: so uplifting!

‘You’re all gonna have to do better than this! (…) All right, guys, take your cue from me’